Saturday, November 22, 2008


As many do not know, I am a single mother. Not by divorce, but by being nieve (I don't know if I spelled that right.) and young. I regretted a lot of things in my life, but I don't regret deciding not to have an abortion. Yes this is something I like to share with my readers. Just to tell you how far I've come. When I found out I was pregnant, there were so many thoughts that went through my head. Abortion was one of them, but thank God I didn't make that mistake. In fact I looked at myself for making the mistake.
Now I don't even know how my life would be without my son. Yeah he's a big boy in this picture, but years ago before, he was such a tiny baby.

If it wasn't for my parents, who did not condone what I did, but they were understanding, and supportive. They never let me go through my pregnancy alone. I was depress and ashame when I was pregnant, because I wasn't married. My father, God bless him, helped me hold my head up and encouraged me that I am still important and I'm somebody. He is my son's, not only grandfather, but father. He stepped in when D's biological father didn't. My father and mother helped me get on my feet and now my life has progressed to great things and still going. I'm thankful for my parents and how they helped me get through some very tough times.

What about you? What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Holiday and season?
Happy Holidays,

Treasure Ann


jackie g. said...

hey sis.this is my second time trying to leave a comment on your site. you know i'm computer illiterate, so be patient with me. love your site, very encouraging, enjoyed visiting!i'll be back!

Lulu said...

Thanks for sharing that Treasure Ann!! God is good. What an amazing story that's a real tribute to the sanctity of human life. Your son is such a handsome guy and your parents sound lovely too--what a gift!

Treasure Ann said...

Hi sis, glad you were able to drop by. Love you much.

Lulu: Thanks for your sweet words. It has been a journey for me, but thank God He helped through it. My sister, and brothers-well the entire family never let me go alone through my situation. They are some great people. And yeah my parents, they are one of kind.