I love to read, and I love the movies that film-makers and producers make or adapt to the big screen from these books. I have the book "Little Women" and the movie. I have the movie "Pride & Prejudice," but I don't have the book. The novels are really nice, down-to-earth and both writer's relate their fiction books to real life experiences and they portray a lot of themselves and their families in the stories they write.
Pride & Prejudice, I see myself as Elizabetth Bennet. Elizabeth had seem to had her own mind and she wasn't always the one to follow tradition in her time or era. She also didn't marry for money, as that was the custom for back then around the 1800's or so. For women during that time and in England couldn't own any property. Only the men, so women had the security of their husbands, and if they weren't married-they had to depend on the generosity of male relatives if both their parents weren't alive. Wasn't that some kind of law? Frankly I hate it, good thing I wasn't born during that era. As for Elizabeth, I liked her independence and boldness to live life as how she dictated it, and not what society dictated to her.
Louisa May Alcott wrote many books. Her book entitled
, Little Women, was surrounded with 4 sisters. From oldest to youngest in this story was; Meg-character of the home-maker; Jo-spirited and non-traditional; Beth-quiet and docile; and Amy-wanted to marry rich. Alcott portrayed her youngest sister as a painter in the book and indeed she was in real life. In fact, her little sister did illustrate her book of "Little Women." Who am I in "Little Women?" I would say Jo of course. Again, here is a character that is independent, doesn't flow with society and is spirited and owns who she is. Not to mention as Alcott was a writer-she wrote herself as Jo, and Jo was a writer in the story of Little Women. So it is with me-I love to write, I'm working on a book currently and one more to follow. So I really identify myself a lot with Jo March in the March Family of "Little Women." Oh yes I forgot to mention that her story took place in Concord, Massachusetts-a great New England State. Miss Alcott also lived there in real life as well. for more information on these GREAT WOMEN WRITERS, google
Louisa May Alcott and
Jane Austen. There are tons of great information and educational material on them. I admire these women, because they were ahead of their time and I really, truly like the fact that they OWN who they were as women and they own what they were good at. There independence was their rule and not anyone elses or the whole of society for that matter. They stood up for the good of who they were and they did not sacrafice their morals and yet-they were bold, educated and in my book as what I would call them which for today is a valuable and prominent compliment-they were great Divas in their time.
Who Are You today? Who do you identify with, and no matter what girls own yourself and walk proudly in it. Own that your talents and personality, who you are and satisfied with is what makes you great women of your time. Own your Divaness.
Definition of diva:
Diva-(My personal meaning, mind you) someone who is good, prominent, dominant, and intelletually-talented in whatever they do and no there place in that postion they carry is a diva. You could be a mom of a diva, business owner of a diva, wife of a dive, etc. Whatever it is your good at-I mean the best, your a diva in your own right. I'm a diva at being different, I don't 100% of the time go with the flow of society. I make my own tradtions and I'm a diva of poetry. I love to write poems and I revell, live and I am strong in it.
What Diva are you? I salute you today and all the great women of our time that broke the mold and became independent personalities of who we are, and becoming what we desire-benefiting those to only do good for ourselves and those who are among us. I salute my mom, she is the reason who I am today, I make my own traditions-benefiting the good of myself and others.
Peace & Love Divas
Own it and Live it.
Treasure Ann