Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Dreams

Ten top things I want this summer or want to do are...

1. Make more money.
2. Take a relaxing vacation on the beach, and feel the sand beneath my feet.
3. Get my business website going (that's why I need to make more money).
4. Read all the books that I bought that's sitting on my shelf saying, "me next, me next."
5. Get out of the slump and work on my novel.
6. Make a big, and wonderful decadent sundae.
7. Loose about 20 lbs. (Definitely.)
8. Buy the movie Chocolat starring Johnny Depp. (I know-but I like that movie).
9. Finish my Aromatherapy Course-it is a lot of studying and work to do. ("Come on brain, you can do it, hang in there.")
10. Last but not in the slightest least-throw myself an appreciation dinner party. Hey, I've been through a lot, I would say I humbly deserve it. ;)

What's your summer dreams?

Hope everyone has a safe and bless summer.


Anonymous said...

I dream of selling enough cupcakes and cookies to actually make more money than just exactly what I need to pay the bills!!
I think I deserve a little shopping!

Treasure Ann said...

You work hard for it, so yes you should treat yourself. No doubt girl, with those delicious cookies and cupcakes-you'll make enough to treat yourself and enjoy an extended vacation. Happy Summer Dreams L .