Welcome to a Craft Swap. Here are the Rules of Engagement: Sign up is open until September 30, 2008/Tuesday. 1. The craft swap is open to 20 sign-ups. 2. Swap will consist of partners throughout each quarter annually with your partners. 3. Goal: To swap a hand-made gift or buy craft supplies for your craft swap partner every quarter (Fall, Winter, Summer, & Spring) 4. I'll inform you of whom your partner is by October 6, 2008/Monday. I'll call or e-mail you your partner name, or post it-unless you rather me do it by e-mail to ensure privacy. (Which I'll be selecting randomly-hat drawing.) 5. Partners if you buy your swap partner craft supplies, your budget is between $15-$20, if mailed to your partner, this will not include shipping & handling.
*Once you get your partner's name, contact them by phone or e-mail. (I'll make that available to you as soon as I give you your partner name.) When you have your partner name, find out some common things about them. Here are some questions to get you started.
a.) What's your favorite craft? b.) What's your favorite color? c.) When is your birthday? (I'll need every participant's birthday for my records. Thank you.) d.) What craft items do you buy the most? e.)What is your favorite treat? (You can treat your partner to a non-craft product [optional]). f.) 5 favorite things you can't live without. g.) What's the 1 most craft supply item that you would like to get on your birthday. **If you have any questions, concerns or issues leave a comment & let me know. You can also leave your address, phone number or e-mail address at treasuresbyharriett@yahoo.com to get in contact with me.
Birthday Craft Swap Club For members in the month of their birthday, every other member will buy craft supplies for that person's favorite craft and it will be collected & given to that person for their birthday gift. **~~I will post each persons birthday for every member's record~~** I will also e-mail every member's birthday to all members in the club so that everyone can keep up with all the members birthday. Don't worry, no need for the year. Craft packages schedule to be given to partners on the months appointed are as follows: -Fall Swap; craft swap should be made anytime in November. -Winter Swap; craft swap should be made anytime in February. -Spring Swap; craft swap should be made anytime in May. -Summer Swap; craft swap should be made anytime in August. 6. Craft packages can consist of (suggested choices): *homemade cake, cookies or any baked good in a gift basket (that makes it special). *homemade spa products (soaps, lotion, etc.) *handmade jewelry *crochet products (scarfs, lapthrows, afghans, hats, etc.) {Home made/hand made} *hand made pillow, handkercheif, totebags, etc. ~~~~~~Craft packages can consist of bought supplies~~~~~~~~~~~ Suggested choices are: *beads, jewelry wire, fish hook earring, etc. *yarn *crochet hook {sizes "g" or "h"} |